Our Services

At HariKrushi, we empower farmers with essential tools and information for success. Our services include real-time market updates, community connections, and comprehensive crop analysis to support informed decision-making.

Real-time Market Updates

We provide the latest market information to help farmers stay ahead. Access current crop prices, market trends, and daily updates to make informed selling decisions.

Community Connections

Our platform enables farmers to connect with each other, share insights, and offer support. Build a network within the farming community to enhance agricultural practices.

Comprehensive Crop Analysis

Make data-driven decisions with our crop analysis tools. Analyze prices, track trends, and plan your agricultural activities effectively to maximize profits and minimize risks.

Explore Our App

Discover the powerful features of HariKrushi through our app screenshots. See how our user-friendly interface, real-time updates, and community connections can help you make informed decisions.

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Language Selection: Customize Your Experience.

Choose your preferred language to access HariKrushi in your native tongue. Enjoy a seamless experience with content tailored to your language selection.

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Registration: Join HariKrushi with Ease

Easily register with HariKrushi using your mobile number. Our simple registration process ensures quick access to all app features and benefits.

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Crops Selection: Personalize Your Agricultural Insights

Select your crops of interest to personalize your experience. Access crop prices, analysis, and other relevant information based on your selected crops.


Stay informed with live market data, including crop prices and trends, to make timely decisions and optimize your profits.

Real-time Market Updates

Stay informed with the latest market trends and crop prices, empowering you to make informed decisions.

Community Forum

Connect with fellow farmers, share insights, and seek advice to enhance your agricultural practices.

Crop Analysis Tools

Utilize comprehensive tools to analyze crop prices, track trends, and plan your agricultural activities effectively.

Multi-language Support

Access the app in your preferred language, making it accessible to farmers from diverse linguistic backgrounds.

Simple Registration Process

Easily register using your mobile number, ensuring quick access to all app features and benefits.

Crop Selection

Personalize your experience by selecting your crops of interest, enabling you to access tailored information and analysis.

Our Farmer Says...

Our farmers’ success stories speak volumes about HariKrushi’s impact. Here’s what some of our satisfied users have to say:

“HariKrushi has been a game-changer for me. With real-time market updates, I can now sell my crops at the right time, maximizing my profits. The community forum is also invaluable, allowing me to connect with other farmers and learn new techniques.”

Rajesh Kumar, Punjab Farmer

“I love how easy it is to use HariKrushi. The language selection feature makes it accessible to farmers like me who prefer to use apps in their native language. The crop selection tool is also great, giving me personalized”

Sunita Devi, Bihar Farmer

“HariKrushi has revolutionized the way I farm. The crop analysis tools help me plan my planting and harvesting schedules effectively, leading to better yields. I highly recommend HariKrushi to every farmer out there.”

Kantilal Patel, Gujarat Farmer

Get real-time market updates, connect with fellow farmers, and access advanced crop analysis tools. Download now on the App Store and Google Play.
